Tuesday, December 23, 2008


gravlaks is the nordic version of lox - like lox bagel and cream cheese. the swedes used to bury salmon in the sand above the high tide to cure. it literally translates to grave or burried salmon. now, we cure it with salt, sugar and dill. heres how it goes...

get a nice long piece of salmon, preferably a center cut so it can cure evenly and have the monger cut it in half. then combine 1/4 cup of salt and equal parts sugar in a vessel. place one half of the salmon skin side down in a non reactive glazed or glass pan with 2" sides and pour half the mixture over the flesh. sprinkle about 10 or 15 pepper corns on in and cover with most of your dill and a splash of vodka or aquavit. then sprinkle the remaining salt/ sugar mixture over the other half of salmon and place it flesh side down on the other salmon half to make a salmon sandwich. put the remaining dill on top. then cover it with plastic wrap. weigh it down evenly with bricks or cans of tomato sauce and refrigerate, turning once a day for 2 - 3 days.

slice in thin even pieces and place on a serving dish. serve with thin brown bread. i like it with a dollop of Crème fraîche. boop.

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